
About Me

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Minnesota, United States
As I walk along in life, my muses dance with reflection inspiring me to release the thoughts and emotions of my pondering mind through poetry.

Prompt Poetry & Promotion page for The River

*plus the archive of my older poetry

Saturday, January 1, 2011

End the Silence

This poem is posted in connection with the 
January 2011 column piece for River's Ruminations
End the Silence  
 click to read

posted for One Shot Wednesday week 27 at One Stop Poetry
check out other poets and their works 


Sherry Blue Sky said...

Fantastic, River and a great poem to begin the new year with. I must try to think of one as well. Powerful writing, profound truths.

Anonymous said...

I've turned off 2 light bulbs. I will do more everyday to conserve what I use.

Bubba said...

We are the caretakers of our world, which in turn is the caretaker of us all. Harming the earth is harming ourselves. Wise words, River.

Fireblossom said...

I don't hold out much hope that humans as a group will ever get it. But I wish we would.

Timoteo said...

A River of truth.

Brian Miller said...

i hope we wake up as well...i dont would take a lot of changed attitudes...

Laura said...

"Bones of granite..."

Love this line...hard as granite appears it too has the fragility of bone when brutalized. Your poem is beautiful and expresses the love for life and the responsibility we all have toward this planet to all of creation.

signed...bkm said...

love the way you have it written on stone...makes it even more powerful as if the earth was bleeding it herself....we are so cruel to the beauty that gives us life...bkm

Lisa said...

Change is what happens when the minority become collected and their voices become louder til they are heard (and the actions part too :). It's never the abuser who wakes up decidely different. Wish humans weren't so selfish :( I know I'm not the greediest consumer I know, but am not necessarily coming out smelling like a rose either. I just wanted you to know that I read your poem, hear you and agree. Thank you.


gautami tripathy said...

Deep, powerful and so true. It is we who have to take care f our Earth...

Here is my one shot:
musical whirlwind

Kavita said...

An excellent message put across in a real beautiful manner!!
Time to go green..and respect the source of everything material (and non material) we have ever managed to have!!!

A very happy and peaceful year to you, River..

River said...

Thank you for your comments about my writing and the importance of protecting the environment.
Lisa- I don't agree with you. If the abusers (primarily all humans) don't start changing future generations will not be. I have faith nature will make a comeback like she has in past but people...

2wolvz said...

a very good read i love tat it shows your desire to make mother earth a better place for us all a champion of words and spirit

Steve Isaak said...

Well-stated battle cry. Effective, urgent work.

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