
About Me

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Minnesota, United States
As I walk along in life, my muses dance with reflection inspiring me to release the thoughts and emotions of my pondering mind through poetry.

Prompt Poetry & Promotion page for The River

*plus the archive of my older poetry

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Power of Song

Sing, let your voice
fly free and strong
joining together in
the power of song

Drum, heartbeats rise
echoing old ways
mothers listen
the spirits praise

Women and song
that is our way
drumming together
grandmothers say

They teach us the ways
to sing with our voice
drum with our hearts
love and rejoice

Women rise be strong
for girls listen
to the power of song.

©River Maria Urke 11/10

dedicated to Oshkii Giizhik and all women hand drummers Miigwech~ thank you


budh.aaah said...

''women rise be strong, for girls listen to the power of song'' -beautiful..this is what I hear from my ma all the time- to get up and be strong for my lil girl is listening to my song..

Bubba said...

I love hearing a drum circle chanting and singing... it carries an ancient message that resonates with me, and even though I don't know the words, I understand their purpose. Nice post, River.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

So powerful, wise and beautifully expressed. Yes, our daughters listen very acutely to our song..........I love the sound and the feeling of drumming and feels both ancient and completely Be Here Now, at the same time.

Hope said...

the power of song, the power of mothers and daughters!
I'm glad you shared these beautiful words, River

thank you

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