
About Me

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Minnesota, United States
As I walk along in life, my muses dance with reflection inspiring me to release the thoughts and emotions of my pondering mind through poetry.

Prompt Poetry & Promotion page for The River

*plus the archive of my older poetry

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Lessons of Self

Is there a point one reaches
being alone, night after night

where isolation eats at itself
locking the door behind
the weeping sounds of lonely?

Is there a purpose to loneliness?
lessons hidden in the shadows
amongst a forlornness of self
lost arms reaching for light.

Is there a point one reaches
where turning back is not
an option and moving forward
is not possible, when all that is
left is to be right now?

There is a point and purpose
if one strives to learn and
know oneself, explains Pema
in her voice of wisdom.

©River Urke 5/2011

*Pema Chodron is a Tibetan Buddhist Nun that has taught me many things through my life.


JL Dodge said...

Love this, there is a purpose in everything in life, even the harshest moments !

Hope said...

yes, sometimes loneliness can cause doubts and make us wonder what is its purpose but like JL said, this is a purpose in everything.

I too get guidance from the books that the Dalai Lama has written.

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