
About Me

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Minnesota, United States
As I walk along in life, my muses dance with reflection inspiring me to release the thoughts and emotions of my pondering mind through poetry.

Prompt Poetry & Promotion page for The River

*plus the archive of my older poetry

Friday, April 1, 2011

A- Attitude Adjustment

a highly contagious virus
runs rampant through schools
striking adolescents

infecting their mouths
and rolling their eyes

cringing adults
shake their heads why
spitting out no….

forgetting their time
adjusting attitudes.

River 4/1


Bubba said...

The adults were the same way when they were kids.

That's how it works: Each generation is frustrated with the previous one and exhasperated at the following one.

Hope said...

what a wonderful way to start off the challenge!

enjoyed your thoughts on this and it is true what Bubba says but, the school I went to when I was a child/teen did not tolerate any vulgarities. Of coarse there were some children that tried but not very many.

verbal diarrhoea seems to be more tolerated now and personally don't like it. Especially coming out of the mouth of babes.

good luck with with the challenge!

Sherry Blue Sky said...

Oh, the teens. I so remember! I (barely) survived it, and so did my kids (miraculously). Wowzers! You are walking the Hero's Walk right now, my dear!

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