
About Me

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Minnesota, United States
As I walk along in life, my muses dance with reflection inspiring me to release the thoughts and emotions of my pondering mind through poetry.

Prompt Poetry & Promotion page for The River

*plus the archive of my older poetry

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Q - Quantum Riders

riders sail the
seas of matter with all
energy needed to travel
between realm to quantum realm
an electromagnetic leap
of faith in abstract math
forces and gravity
turn theory in

Rictameter - the meter pattern (syllables per line) is 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2.. First and last lines are identical.


Claudia said...

wow river - now you're getting mathematic...i like this one and i work in a company where we use the electromagnetic principle to measure flow...really enjoyed this

nutschell said...

great poem! what a quintessential quandary quantum is! wonderful meeting you through the a-z:)

Asobime said...

Hey River, though I am not familiar with this form of poetry, it does remind me something of cinquains....2-4-6-8-6-4-2...or something about like that.

Enjoyed your poem.

Lady Nyo

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